
Computer Science Student Union (CSSU)

Department of Computer Science

Teaching Laboratories

Faculty of Arts & Science

University of Toronto


Free Software

Free Media

Mental Health Resources

  • Call 911 if at immediate risk.
  • If you are: feeling desperate and hopeless, worried you might hurt yourself, someone else or having suicidal thoughts, alone with no one to talk to
  • If you have: made a plan, the means to hurt yourself or someone else (e.g. pills or a weapon), attempted suicide or hurt yourself before

Talk to someone right NOW

24/7 Emergency counseling services

U of T My Student Support Program (My SSP) | 1-844-451-9700. Outside of North America, call 001-416-380-6578. Culturally-competent mental health and counseling services in 146 languages for all U of T students.

Good2Talk Student Helpline | 1-866-925-5454 Professional counseling, information and referrals helpline for mental health, addictions and students well-being.

Contacts for different types of distress

Life is complicated and doesn’t always go as planned. If you are in distress, we can connect you to the help you need.

Download the Feeling distressed (PDF) for contacts resources to support you through different kinds of distress:

  • 24/7 EMERGENCY
  • Mental health
  • Academic
  • Financial (difficulties due to unexpected circumstances)
  • Housing (temporary housing crisis)
  • Sexual assault/safety
  • Equity offices and communities of care on campus

Contacts include on-campus and community supports during business hours and 24/7.

Students with disabilities

Students with disabilities, including mental health disabilities (examples include depression, social anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder), can reach out to AccessAbility Services for a broad range of accommodations services and supports, including:

  • Disability related supports and strategies
  • Accommodations related to course work and in-course components
  • Test and exam accommodations and resources
  • Opportunities to engage with peers through student socials

Please visit the AccessAbility Services website for more information about supports, services and how to register. To book an appointment, please call 416-287-7560 or email

Student mental health website

The University recently launched a new student mental health website to help you find mental health supports across the tri-campus. The website features a robust search and filter function that allows you to match your needs with the many types of supports available across the University and its community partners. March 17, 2021 – The CSSU speaks on behalf of Computer Science Students at the Business Board of the UofT Governing Council, on the subject of the 2021-2022 Tuition Schedules.

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